These two verses contain some of the most marvelous truths in all the Word of God. Notice first of all that God is for us. Let that soak in for a bit. The God who created all of this incredible universe is for us. And because that is true, the apostle Paul asks, "Who can be against us?" We know that we have an enemy, the devil, who is against us. We know that the world system is against us. So what can he possibly mean by that question. Consider this. Nothing and no-one is a significant competitor to God. No one can successfully be against us. You and God constitute a majority in any situation.
Another way to think of this possibility is to ask yourself, if God is on my side, what does it really matter who is against me? There is nothing in all of the created order that is close to competing with God for power and authority. God is for us.
Then when we come to verse 32, we have what may be one of the greatest prayer promises in all of the Bible. It is an argument from the greater to the lesser. God has already given us His Son to be our Savior, by allowing Him to bear our guilt and shame on a cross. Nothing that we ever ask for in prayer is of greater value than the gift He has already given. Since God has already given us the costliest gift, we can come with confidence with our prayers each day.
There is no resource on earth available to us with as much potential for good as that of prayer. When you come in prayer to your heavenly Father, remember these two truths. First, God is for you. He is on your side. Secondly, nothing you ask is as costly as the gift God has already given. Paul began, "What shall we say to these things?" These things leave us speechless. God is so good. He longs to bless us so much. Open yourself up to Him today.