Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What's the Point?

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." I Cor. 10:31

So have you ever considered life in very general terms and then just finally said, "What's the point?" Maybe you have wondered what your purpose in life is or even in frustration wondered is there any real point to my existence. Francis Chan said, "The point of your life is to point to Him." God did not create us because He needed us, or because He was lonely and could not bear to not have us. He created us for the very purpose of bringing Him honor and glory. God loves us because of who He is, not because He has to or needs to.God desires to have fellowship with us because He loves us.

So often we do not choose to love God or to honor God, when that is actually the greatest need in our lives. Because we were created to honor and glorify God, our greatest joy and satisfaction comes when we are engaging in that. Because God designed us to live in relationship with Him, we need to love God even though we often choose not to.

If you want to experience life at its fullest today, abandon yourself to loving God with all of your heart,soul, mind, and strength. If you want to understand the point of it all, choose today to spend every moment pointing to Him. Because that is not natural to us, we have to surrender ourselves to Him. We must come in honesty and say, "God, everything about me continues to love other things and I so often ignore You, the one for whom I have been created. But, I choose today to go against the current of the world and surrender to You. By Your Holy Spirit keep me focused on living for the purpose You created me for."

Don't miss the point. Spend your moments daily pointing to God. Live to glorify Him in all that you do.