Monday, August 3, 2009

Have We Confused God's Kingdom with the Magic Kingdom?

"Enter by the narrow gate." (Matt. 7:13)

Consider these words of Jesus in our postmodern age where people say that there are many ways to gain eternal life. Consider the reality that 57% of the people sitting in evangelical churches think that there are many ways to get to enter the Kingdom of God.

Jesus said, "For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction." Not only do we live in a time when many who claim to be Christians believe Jesus is not the only way, it is a time when American Christians seek the way of comfort and ease. People say, "God's will is the safest place to be." While it is the best place to be, it is not always safe, and it really is never easy.

Too many modern day members of churches have it in their head that it is all about them. It is a matter of choosing the church where they will cater most to my needs. We have created churches that resemble one stop shopping malls and that cater to our consumer mentality. Unfortunately, Jesus said that consumerism and being His follower don't mix. "You cannot serve God and mammon," He said.

It is unfortunate that we have chosen "Six Flags Over Jesus" instead of the narrow way. Which path are you on?