Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hearing From God

"And after the fire the sound of a low whisper." (I Kings 19:9-18)

This week in the blog I am trying to focus our attention on prayer. Prayer has two sides, talking to God, and listening to God. I believe that God typically speaks to our heart through His Word. The Holy Spirit who inspired men to write the scripture, also illuminates our understanding. But there are those moments when like Elijah, we desperately need to hear from God.

Elijah did not hear God in the strong wind, or in the earthquake, or in the fire. He heard a "still small voice." God rarely shouts. His voice comes to us in the quiet moments when we are still and focused on Him intently. And we have to be quiet and still, or we will not hear from Him.

Mark 1: 35 tells us that Jesus got up while it was still dark and went to a solitary place to pray. We are so busy, and our lives are so noisy. I want to encourage you to develop the habit of beginning your day in the early morning with God. Set aside a time and be faithful to it. If you are not meeting with God, start with 10 minutes or 7 minutes. Block it out. Find a quiet solitary place before the day begins. Read the scripture and pray. Very quickly you will discover that is not enough time. I need to hear from God daily, and I bet you do to0.