Friday, June 19, 2009

No Condemnation, No Fear, No Separation

"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love." (Rom. 8:28, NLT)

This is an incredible ending to the marvelous 8th chapter of Romans. The God who chose to love us while we were still in the very act of rebellion, living in sin, (Rom. 5:8) and who is by His very essence Love, (I John 4:8), never stops loving us. It has absolutely nothing to do with who we are, or anything that we have done or ever will do. It is all about who He is and what He has done for us through Christ.

The 8th chapter of Romans begins with the promise that for those of us who have trusted in Christ there is absolutely no condemnation in our standing before God. When He sees us, He does not see our sins, but He sees Jesus in whom we are hidden. If we have no condemnation before God, who can honestly condemn us, and the answer is "No One."

Through the chapter we discover because of who God is we have no one or nothing to fear. Honestly, if God is on your side, who is greater than Him? No One. So who are you afraid of?

And we end with no separation. Not life or death;not angels, not demons. Absolutely no one or nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Hallelujah. Rejoice my friend. The God who created you is crazy in love with you. He desires you love Him back.