Monday, March 8, 2010


"Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path." (Ps. 119:105)

I memorized that scripture verses many years ago in Vacation Bible School one summer, but find it is still important day by day in my life. Often the Bible describes living as a "walk". So as you walk life's path, what is it that guides your life? Where do you find direction? Many today find their direction from their peer group, or even from television. Others look to Pastor Phil or Pastor Oprah. But God says that we should allow His Word to direct us.

Someone has said, We need to study the Bible so that we can master God's Word. But more importantly, we need to take another step. We need to allow God's Word to master us. In other words, God's word is living (Heb. 4:12) and it speaks directly to our life. And through it God calls for us to make decisions related to obeying Him. So when we read God's Word, we allow it to speak to our hearts, and then we surrender to it to obey.