Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Talk is Cheap

"This people honors me with their lips but their heart is far from me." (Matt. 15:8)

The incident that prompted these Words from Jesus was a concern by the Pharisees about men's tradition as opposed to God's desires. The disciples had not performed the ritualistic hand cleaning before eating. Jesus quotes the prophet Isaiah in this comment. He goes on to say, "in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."

Stop for a moment and think about the reality of our worship. How often do we associate it with a place and a style of a service. In fact, too often we confuse the priorities of God. We substitute a worship service for worship in service. (Roman 12:1-2). How much of what we do is the traditions of men as opposed to what God desires.

When Saul acted very presumptuously to offer a sacrifice to God without a priest, the prophet delivered the message of God that obedience was more important than sacrifice. How often are we guilty of giving lip service to God instead of true worship? Isn't our ultimate act of worship found in obeying? I think so.