Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Habit of Prayer (Devotion)

"But He would withdraw to desolate places and pray." (Luke 5:16)

We noted yesterday that Jesus got up early in the morning while it was still dark to go and pray. The night before He had been pressed upon by the crowd. When He finished praying in that passage in Mark 1:35, everyone was pressing on Him again with demands on His time. What we discover in this passage in Luke is that prayer was not an every once in a while occurrence for Jesus, but the settled habit of His life. It was the priority of His life. It was the thing that gave Him direction and clarity of purpose.

How much more is it significant for us, if it was important to Jesus? Over and over again I am amazed at how little time dedicated Christian people spend in prayer. When Christianity Today put out the results many years ago saying that the average american christian spends 1 minute a day in prayer, I thought that has to be wrong. But the more I talk with believers, the more likely I think it is a reflection of the absolute truth.

What about in your life? How significant is prayer? I am not talking about the obligatory blessing we say before we eat, or the "Now I lay me down to sleep" kinds of prayers, but the genuine time alone talking with and listening to God. Why not start today with a determined commitment to make an appointment with God? He is waiting to spend quality time with you. Pick a time of the day when you will not be interrupted. Take your Bible, a notebook and something to write with. Turn off your cell phone and the computer. Get alone with God. He has time for you.