Sunday, April 12, 2009

History or Hoax

"He appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, although some have fallen asleep." ( I Cor. 15:6)

I once heard Josh McDowell say, "The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the human race, or it is the most incredible event to occur in history." I was a history major in college at the time I heard him say that, and I though, "You know, that is true." All of the evidence on Sunday morning told the story of an empty tomb.

I love this passage from the pen of the apostle Paul. Paul was the most ardent opponent of Christianity until he personally encountered Jesus, after the Resurrection. Here is a man who was killing Christians, and yet who became the greatest missionary for Jesus Christ in history. And look what he says in this verse.

Jesus appeared to more than 500 witnesses all at one time. Then he said, "Most of whom are still alive." Did you ever ask, why did he say that? If only one person said, "I saw Jesus, risen from the dead," we could dismiss that person as some kind of fruitcake. But when 500 saw him and they are still alive, Paul is saying, "Go ask them yourself, don't take my word for it."

I cast my vote for history. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ really happened. Ask me how I know.
I know because the Risen Savior lives in my heart. Happy Easter. He is alive. Celebrate the Good News today.

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