Monday, June 15, 2009

Daily Quiet Time

"But He would withdraw to desolate places and pray." (Luke 5:16)

What are we to make of the fact that Jesus on a regular basis, as a habit of His life, would withdraw from the public spotlight to spend private time with the Father in prayer? Isn't He God? Why does He need to pray?

I believe that while Jesus never ceased to be God, He voluntarily chose to do everything that He did in this world as a man enpowered by the Holy Spirit. As such, He needed the private times of communion with the Father to live the life God designed for every person. If Jesus needed that time alone in prayer, how much more do we?

One of the very first disciplines I was taught as a Christian was to set aside an appointment to meet with God. I was told to carry a Bible, a notebook, and a pen. As I opened the word of God, I sought to hear a message relevant to my life for this day. Then as I sought to understand what God was saying to me, I sought to make a decision of obedience to that word for that day and for my life.

I want to challenge you to examine your personal time with God. No Christian can effectively live a life pleasing to God without time of personal communion with God. Just like we need food physically each day, we need the spiritual 'manna in the morning' from time alone with God. Begin again today if you have lost the habit. Renew and revitalize your time with God if you are faithfully spending time with Him. God bless.

1 comment:

  1. I must confess that I don't always find that quiet time each and every day to talk with God. Like so many, my excuse is "I'm so busy". But I do have conversations all throughout the day with God. I talk to him as I go about my daily activities, just like He was there with me, my constant companion which He is, you know. I talk to him about what kind of day it is, what the kids are up to, what Jim and my Mom are doing and does He think I should do this or that....but I must start taking more private time aside from this to talk with Him without interruptions. I need the quiet so I can hear him more clearly. I need the quiet so I can praise him more loudly.
