Monday, June 1, 2009

The Harvest is Past

"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." (Jeremiah 8:20)

This may not be the deepest theological interpretation of the significance of this passage, but as I read it I thought of the harvest being ended. The farmer has left the fields, and the barn doors are shut. But what if some of the crops were not gathered? Now, it is too late.

Noah labored for many years building an ark. Everyone laughed at this man for his foolishness. No one had ever seen rain, what was he ranting about? But the rains came, and God had shut the door of the ark. It was too late.

There are two applications of this text that come to my mind. If you have never trusted in Jesus, there will be a time when it is too late. Either when you die, or the Lord returns. What if the harvest is all gathered, and the barn doors are shut, but you are still outside?

The other application is for those of us who are followers of Christ. How many are still in the fields waiting to hear the Gospel? There will be a time when it is too late to tell them.

1 comment:

  1. well brother you hit the nail on the head !!

