Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Praying or Whining?

"But when Daniel learned that the law had been signed, he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room, with its windows open toward Jerusalem. He prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to his God." (Daniel 6:10)

Daniel was one of the Hebrews that had been carried into captivity and exile. But God had granted him favor before King Darius, the Mede. Some of the other leaders in Darius court were jealous of Daniel and concocted a scheme to destroy him. They had convinced the king to pass a law that would require people pray only to King Darius, and to violate this would mean being thrown into a den of hungry lions.

Notice in this verse that Daniel did not start something new when the law was passed. He continued in his habit of praying three times a day. Also notice, that even though he was facing a dilemma in his life, his prayers included thanksgiving.

I wonder how many times we pray, "God transform me into Christlikeness, or produce in me the fruit of Your Spirit." Then when God begins to answer our prayers, instead of being thankful, we begin to whine and complain. Often God uses trials, tests of our faith, to stretch us and grow us into the person He desires that we be.

God was with Daniel in the lion's den. He delivered him out of the lions den. But, in Heb. 11 we read of others that were not so fortunate. Can you praise God in a den of hungry lions? Can you praise God if He does not deliver you out of the trouble, but uses it to bring Him glory?

God is working on your character. He may provide for your comfort, but that is not His primary concern. He is far more concerned that we become "Holy" than He is that we remain "Happy" all the time. What is your prayer today?

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