Thursday, November 12, 2009

There is Only One

There is..."One Lord." Eph. 4:5

Sometimes I hear people say, "My Jesus" does such and such, or "the Jesus I know" is this way or that way, as if there are many different Jesuses. However, there is only one unique Jesus Christ.Other times I hear people say, "I am going to make Jesus Lord". Listen, He is Lord, you and I don't make Him that.

Paul writes here in Eph. 4 that Jesus Christ is unique. Ultimately He is unique in His person. He is 100% God, and He is 100% man; He is the God-man, Christ Jesus. He is God, and in Bethlehem He takes on human flesh being born of the Virgin Mary. Hebrews 1:1-3 tells us that He is the final Word from God. There is no additional revelation of truth.

Jesus Christ is unique in relationship to His work. In order to pay the penaly of all the sins of all the people who would call on Him, it took an eternal person to die. Only God could fit the need. When Isaac asked his father Abraham, "Where is the lamb?" Abraham said, "God will provide Himself."
That is exactly what He did. He gave Himself to die in our place.

Finally, Jesus Christ is unique in His relationship to us. Those who come to Him as Savior also surrender to Him as Lord. He is Lord of all. He owns us because He bought us out of our sin debt. He brought us out of the Kingdom of darkness and qualified us to be citizens in a heavenly Kingdom.

Jesus Christ is unique. He alone is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Have you surrendered to His Lordship daily in your life?

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