Friday, November 6, 2009

Too Hard for God?

"Is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Gen. 18:14)

When the messenger of God told Abraham that Sarai would have a child, even though biologically it was no longer possible for her to bear children at her age, she laughed. The messenger said, "Why did she laugh? Is anything too difficult for the Lord to do?"

A couple of weeks ago I sat in a counseling session with someone, and an observer said, 'Don't fool yourself. That person will never change." Not too long before that, I was explaining the cost of a mission trip to West Africa, and the person said, "I could never afford that." A pastor lamenting the hardness of the hearts of his church whined, "This church will never do anything for the Kingdom of God." Consider the times you may have expressed similar thoughts to the difficulty or the seeming impossibility of your situation. Ask yourself this question, and be sincerely honest in your thoughts. "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

Has God changed? As the scriptures suggest, "Are His eyes dimmed that He cannot see, or His arms shortened that He can no longer reach into your situation? Or has God changed. Maybe He doesn't care." Satan will whisper anything in your ear that will cause you to doubt. But remember when these thoughts come, the enemy is a liar.

Paul reminds us in Eph. 3:20 that God can do exceeding abundantly beyond anything that we could ever imagine, or ask for in our prayers. How big is your God?

1 comment:

  1. Why do we doubt that God can change things for us? Do we simply lack faith? Or have we become too jaded over time to think that if God hasn't helped yet, he won't help? Maybe we have not accepted that God may not want to do the change that we desire. I pray that it isn't because we don't think God can do anything he wants to do. Unless we believe God is able to do anything, we lack hope. Remember that word hope.............
