Wednesday, March 10, 2010


"When the day of Pentecost arrived..." (Acts 2:1)

Consider these two questions. What did the disciples do to cause Pentecost to come? Was Pentecost a day that the disciples primarily learned something, or did something?

First, what did the disciples do to cause Pentecost? I believe the answer to that question is, "Absolutely nothing." Jesus told them before His ascension that the Holy Spirit was coming. It was a sovereign act of God in fulfillment of His promise.

Secondly, I believe the disciples primarily did something. Actually, something was done through them. But it was not primarily a learning moment in a classroom. We have too much of that in the American church and not enough action.

For 10 days the disciples waited in prayer. They were asking God to prepare them to maximize the opportunity He would provide. God gives us incredible opportunities to proclaim His message everyday. Are we ready? Have we found time to be alone with God so that He could prepare us? What will you do with the opportunities God gives you today to proclaim His word?

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