Monday, July 6, 2009

Back Then Only

"And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles." (Acts 2:43)

Don't limit yourself to the verse I have placed here. Get out your Bible and read Acts 2-Acts 4 as a minimum. Then I want to ask you to ask this question: Was that just back then? Has God changed how He relates to us? Was the dunamis (power) of God limited to the first century church?

I believe that somehow, at least in America, we have messed church up so badly that we have grieved God's Spirit. I believe that God is the same today, as He was yesterday, and when we get up tomorrow, He will be the same again then. I believe God longs for churches to come to the place of total surrender to Him and such incredible hunger that they storm the gates of heaven in prayer until God moves in power again.

Do we do what we do in church because we have always done that, or do we do what we do because it is a part of God's incredible purpose and plan? Do we have God's heart for the nations?
Let me issue a challenge to anyone reading this. Go back and carefully read the book of Acts onemore time. Ask God as you make your journey through the book to speak to your heart. Ask God to give you His heart for the nations. Be careful; it might change your life.


  1. I believe that We should Do "All" that God ask, not out of Habit, but Because God ask Us, to go and tell "All" Nations about Him and His Love for Everyone, We have to get out and tell everyone, live by what We tell and encourage all to turn their lives over to God, God forgave Our sins, and He will forgive "ALL" who seek Him, no matter how bad their Sins seem, We serve a forgiving, loving Father and the Joy, Peace and commit to Him is so wonderful.

  2. I think that its partly out of fear that people dont live life now as they did in Acts. Remember when you talked about how in Africa there is a parable about the palm tree and how its shade isnt any good. I think even here in america we have that problem too. Everyone is so in to what they need and taking care of themselves. People are afraid to focus on others because they are afraid their own needs wont get met too. And.. then there are the con artisit that will take advantage of others good will. Not that all these things didnt exist back then either.. I wonder how they overcame it. I think it all comes down to reach out to others and trust God to take care of us.
