Sunday, July 5, 2009

Creator God or created gods

"because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipoed and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever, Amen." (Rom. 1:24)

Surely God is talking about the "heathen" who have never heard and have carved idols out of wood or stone. No way this includes Americans and post-moderns in the 21st century. Let me ask you a question. "Why are you here?" I don't mean why are you in the geographical location you are in, whether it is California, South Carolina, or somewhere in between. Why do you live and breathe and have your being? Why do you exist on planet earth?

The Bible is all His Story. We turn the events of time into history, but it is ultimately all His Story. It is the story of God creating mankind to glorify Him. It is about man's sin and fall, and then God setting in motion a process whereby all the peoples of the world will glorify Him. Consider Psalm 67 as illustrative of that.

Listen to me very carefully. If God is not in the singular position of first place in your life, then you are guilty of worshiping created gods. It could be a job, or a hobby. It could be a person, or a car or house or some other shiny thing. Until God is all to us, we have missed the whole point.

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